
I just implement a IOCP backend for libevent, and use memcached 
( adapt from Brodie's ) to test the iocp backend.

The full package with VS6 project files ( libevent 1.4.4 and memcached 1.2.1 ) :

The full package with VS2008 project files ( only libevent main trunk ):

Does anyone have any interesting to try ?

>Hi Brodie,
>First of all, thanks!
>However, the archives you put up doesn't compile straight out of the box for
>me, in Visual Studio 2005. Here's what I did and had to do:
>First, I extracted your win32 archives to d:\libevent and d:\memcached
>I opened up the libevent solution, let the upgrade wizard thingie do what it
>wanted, and could thereafter compile libevent both as Debug and Release.
>I opened up the memcached solution, again let the upgrade wizard do its
>thing, and tried to compile, which failed. I had to change this:
>memcached.c, line 44: changed from #include "event.h" to #include
>"../libevent/event.h", just like in the win32 block in memcached.h
>memcached.c, line 1118, changed from #if !defined(WIN32) ||
>!defined(__APPLE__) to #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__)
>After that, it compiled fine in both Debug and Release mode. It looks fine
>after a quick test, but both VERSION and STATS report that the version of
>the memcached I just built is 1.2.4?
>I'm gonna do some more tests on the version I compiled and see if it's ok
>I'll also put it in our live environment where we have the annyoing problem
>of memcached consuming 25% CPU constantly and see if the new version of
>libevent fixed that. I still can't reproduce that behaviour with a test. :-/
>/Henrik Schr�der
>On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Brodie Thiesfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hi,
>> I created my own win32 build for memcached 1.2.5 since there wasn't one
>> available and I wanted the functionality. I've modified it more locally to
>> do what I want, however I have put a basic version of it up for anyone else
>> that wants it. A win32 build of libevent 1.4.4 is with it. No guarantees, no
>> support.
>> http://code.jellycan.com/memcached/
>> Cheers,
>> Brodie

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