On Jun 19, 2008, at 8:50, dormando wrote:

In my humble; the distro _must_ have a 'make test' that tests memcahced to the best of our ability. Tests should be updated, new features should have tests, blah blah blah.

Anyone else have thoughts on the matter?

I think the ``make test'' tests are probably fine. Those are slightly-better-than-compile sanity checks. Some of that stuff is hard to write small tests for.

My java tests, for example, find pipeline handling bugs and test both protocols over ipv4 and ipv6. The suite right now takes a bit over a minute to run. They do a little bit of not-quite-deterministic rummaging through stuff, but I think something somewhat similar as a burn-in suite would be good.

I'm imagining something that's not deterministic, but repeatable, and with proper instrumentation to detect flaws. i.e. valgrind and a logging fuzzer with a lot of time.

Dustin Sallings

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