On Jul 1, 2008, at 13:35, Michael Wieher wrote:

It is a guarantee that "code" is never more than 8 characters,

        That's not a guarantee.  snprintf is a guarantee.

ranges from 2-digits to 3, max, and location wouldn't ever be more
than 10 characters.  So, I'm looking at a string of max 21 chars, I
made it 32.

These inputs come from controlled static sources, not user input.
However I did recompile w/asserts and they passed w/o issues.

I can't say for sure what's going on in your code without seeing it as a whole, but these kinds of things are smells. Any place you assume something, just stick an assertion in the code to both document and enforce it. Makes it a lot harder to write bugs.

You seem to be missing symbols from the valgrind output. Perhaps you should
compile the debugging symbols in.

I know.  It's a bit of a strange situation, in that I'm actually
compiling a shared-library.so file that is imported into and run by
Python, but the compilation itself of the C++ library is done with -g
... so I'm at a bit of a loss as how to get a different angle on it,
without basically writing a wrapper-driver to compile & test the
sucker at the C/C++ level, before then wrapping it into Python.

Yeah, definitely test the parts in the most simple way possible. You've got a really simple error somewhere. The less code you have to look at, the easier it'll be to find.

        See also:  The Underhaded C Contest.  :)

Dustin Sallings

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