Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements

Aug. 27, 2017

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From: Amanda Miryem-Khaye Seigel<>
Date: Aug. 27, 2017

Sholem-Aleykhem Kultur-Tsenter / Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center

Fall Cultural Season: Tribute to Gella Schweid-Fishman: Weekly Conversation
Group; Membership

Unzer kultur-sezon enft zikh mit a program lezeykher /
Our new season begins with a special program in Yiddish in memory of

Gella Schweid-Fishman e"h

zayl un boyer fun der Yidisher kultur in nyu-york bikhlal
un fun undzer kultur-tsenter bifrat/
Pillar and builder of Yiddish culture in New York
and especially of our center

Zuntik, dem 10tn september, 2017
Sunday, September 10, 2017
1:30 n"m/ PM

S'vel redn / Speakers are

-Prof. Daniel Soyer (Fordham University)
"Yidish in amoilikn nyu-york; dos amolike nyu-york in yidish"
"Yiddish in New York's Past; New York's Past in Yiddish"

-Prof. Marta Tolpin
A talmide Gele un Shikl Fishmans, graduantke fun di Sholem Aleykhem-shuln
un a tokhter fun tsvey farvalters fun undzer tsenter (vos hot demoly
geheysn "Folkshul 21"/
A former student of Gella and Shikl (Joshua) Fishman; graduate of the
Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute schools; daughter of two former trustees of
our Cultural Center (formerly known as "Folk-shul 21")

Forzits/Chair: Dovid Braun

Kibed vert servirt/ Refreshments

Gezang betsiber/ Communal singing

Arayngang fray/ Entrance: free

Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center
3301 Bainbridge Avenue, Bronx
Corner 208th St., near Montefiore Hospital
Take the D train to 205th or the 4 to Moshulu Parkway



Ale montik (akhuts az s'falt oys yontev) kumen zikh undzere khaveyrim
tsunoyf tsu shmuesn oyf mame-loshn fun 1 biz 3 n"m. Ale zenen farbetn!

Der shmueskrayz, the Center's Yiddish conversation circle, meets every
Monday (except Jewish Holidays) from 1-3 PM. Join us!

Dem ershtn montik fun khoydesh iz dos itst bay 3333 Henry Hudson Pkwy.,
Note this change: On the first Monday of the month, the shmueskrayz now
meets at 3333 Henry Hudson Pkwy, Riverdale.

Shraybt undz oyf: tsu bakumen dem number fun der dire.
Write us at: for the apartment number.

Ale andere montikn iz dos bay: 3338 Bainbridge Ave., Bronx bay di
Gottesmans in der heym (antkegn kultur-tsenter baym tsveytn ek gas).

On all other Mondays, come to 3338 Bainbridge Ave., Bronx, at the
Gottesman's home (opposite the Center & down the block)


Itst iz di tsayt tsutsushteyn oder banayen ayer mitglidshaft/
Now is the time to join or renew your membership

$15 stam mitglid/ individual
$25 mishpokhe mitglider/ family membership

Zayt azoy gut un shtelt oys ayer tshekn tsum / Please make all checks
payable to:

Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center
3301 Bainbridge Avenue, Bronx, NY
917-930-0295 / 718-881-6555

Please do not use the "reply" key when writing to Mendele. Instead,
direct your mail as follows:

Material for Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements, i.e.
announcements of events, commercial publications, requests to which
responses should be sent exclusively to the request's author, etc.,
always in plain text (no HTML or the like).

Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language, i.e.
inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature:

    mendele at

IMPORTANT:  Please include your full name as you would like it to
appear in your posting.  No posting will appear without its author's

Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal email
addresses, as responses will be posted for all to read.  They must
also include the author's name as you would like it to appear.

In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that
contributors adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to
standard English punctuation, grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of
transliteration into Latin letters. A guide to Romanization can be
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