There is a new SDK image available at :

This SDK image is now getting quite big as it has all the cross- tools in it for
ARM and MIPS; if this is a problem then let us know and we'll look at creating a
smaller minimal image which can be locally configured to a specific 

The wiki page
has been updated too.

Main release notes:
* The SDK image is now pinned to specific static repositories. Updates are
carried out using "sdk-upgrade" which allows the repos to be updated to latest,
next or set to point to any Mer Core/SDK release pairing.

* The steps to create the SDK have been documented and use some release
generation scripts as described at:

* There is a new version of scratchbox2 and new sb2 rules
* Bradley Smith's tidy-up on umount code has been included
* git now installs correctly
* Updates to some packages including mic and spectacle

For existing SDK users you can do:

sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper in sdk-chroot
sudo sdk-upgrade

You will then be told what steps to take to upgrade (usually just zypper ref/up
but you may need to remove the unstable Tools:Testing repo - and you really
should as that's now going to be used by the Tools team for sharing experimental

Additionally there is a pre-release of Tools 6.0.1 available.
This has:
* git
* spectacle 0.24.1 (bug fixes and improved support for some BOSS validation 
* createrepo (Thanks vgrade; this is the 0.9 branch so could people please
report any issues with it)

To get the repos to point to this pre-release simply run:
  sudo sdk-upgrade --sdk 6.0.1
and the usual zypper ref/up.


"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."

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