On 19 December 2012 13:25, Sivan Greenberg <si...@omniqueue.com> wrote:
> So from quick check, it seems that creator supports all the editing features
> including deployment (as expected since html5 apps were also part of the
> MeeGo developer story) to Harmattan.
> Left to check: if this already supports 'upstream' meego (and hence Mer)
> deployments through rpm packaging and see how agnostic the process is to
> enable other IDEs that users might fancy using to be supported (like the
> Android story).
> -Sivan
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Sivan Greenberg <si...@omniqueue.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>   Seeing we need to somehow support this story in the same ease of use I'd
>> like to bring this up for discussion.
>>   As I see it we could enable the following:
>> - Use QtCreator for HTML5/JS developer; Since WebKit/V8 is part of the
>> stack here I don't suppose there should be substantial issues in making
>> QtCreator an HTML5/JS editing tool if not already applicable as such.
>> - Support smooth testing and deployment on device through either one or
>> all of the following:
>> 1. Creator already supports the QtQuick application project, so use this
>> work and change it to be a HTML5/JS Application very much in the same
>> manner, replacing QmlApplicationViewer with HTMLApplicationViewer perhaps
>> (WebKit is great help here).
>> 2. Incorporate a lightweight http server, and through the setup of
>> developer's Local LAN (same way like setting up Creator to deploy to a
>> device) when hitting 'RUN' , application is serving on the development work
>> station and a remote SSH call fire up the browser on the Mer device,
>> pointing it to the right URL to view the HTML app for testing.
>> It should be also possible to base upon the work of the Cordova approach
>> with Android and come up with a IDE agnostic way for deployment and then
>> allow both users of creator and other tools to add support for Mer HTML5/JS
>> app dev and testing.


source: http://www.merproject.org/logs/%23mer/%23mer.2012-04-25.log.html :)

>> An interesting discussion got started after the San Francisco dev days
>> which we could benefit I think if we use the opportunity to extend runtimes,
>> is here
>> http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2012-December/008425.html
>> (recommended read for anybody who wants to contribute here).
>> Thoughts and feedback?
> > -Sivan
> -Sivan


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