It has been a while when I last posted something, sorry about the
silence. Anyway here is a small status update what has been going lately
and what will be happening in the near future.
== Merging some OBS projects ==
The content of following projects in MeeGo Community OBS have been
merged to other projects and these projects have now been removed.
CE:Utils, CE:Apps:MTF, CE:MW:MTF, Project:MTF:*, DE:*
If you still have an old Nemo image that referred one of these projects
those repository files should be now removed from /etc/zypp/repos.d/
directory without loosing any actual content.
== OBS and OBS Project name changes ==
I sent some time ago already a message about restructuring the nemo
mobile. It has taken a lot more time than originally planned, but
finally we are almost ready to take the new structure in use.
Preparations for this restructuring has been ongoing for quite a while
now, and new structure and processes are already mostly in place. With
the restructuring also new obs will be taken in use, which means that
active nemo development is moving from MeeGo Community OBS [1] to Mer
Community OBS [2].
With the new structure also "stages", called stable, testing and devel,
for QA will be taken in use in the future. From these stage projects
developers are supposed to submit packages always to the one called
devel project from which automated processes will move the packages
forward when the QA steps are passed.
So following project renames will be done:
CE:MW:Shared -> nemo:<stage>:mw
CE:UX:MTF -> nemo:<stage>:ux
CE:Apps -> nemo:<stage>:apps
CE:Adaptation:* -> nemo:<stage>:hw:*
Example of full project name: nemo:devel:mw
Also in the future the repository names that builds are done are
following same patterns on each repository so either latest_<arch> or
next_<arch>. This depends on whether the target is compiling against the
latest mer release or the next mer release [3].
After this change is done we will inform how you can change from the old
nemo repositories to the new ones on your images. As well as when
developer should start submitting packages to the projects in new OBS.
For now use the old repositories still as the content will be synced
there to the new obs before taking the new obs in use.
== New Patterns ==
We also introduced new patterns to nemo projects that are already
usable. These patterns make it easier to download the new packages that
are available in the repositories are automatically installed to new
snapshots. For this step there isn't an UI application yet to do it so
for now it needs to be done in cmdline with zypper:
zypper install -f -t pattern nemo-<DEVICE>
Here <DEVICE> is n900, n950, x86-generic or x86-vm depending on your
setup. More information at [4].
== Image Snapshots ==
There haven't been a snapshot in a while, but this doesn't mean that
updates haven't happened. You can still get the updates with zypper as
guided in [4]. New snapshots will be available within a week (hopefully
before the year changes ;)) stay tuned.
[1] https://build.pub.meego.com/
[2] https://build.merproject.org/
[3] https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Vendor/Release_Structure
[4] https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Nemo/Updating
Best Regards,