I would like to build mer image. To do so I installed chroot version of the
SDK on my Ubuntu and follow instructions from this wiki:

The problem I face is the following: as I type in 'mic create' the process
runs for a while after which it says that it cannot locate vim package and
MerSDK maxim@maxim-Z87X-SLI:~$ sudo mic create fs
mer-latest-sdk-rolling-chroot.ks -o . --pkgmgr=zypp --arch i486
mic 0.14 (Mer 0.2011 Mer)
Info: Retrieving repo metadata:
Info: Retrieving repomd.xml ... DONE
Info: Running pre scripts ...
Info: Refreshing repository: mer-core ...
Info: Refreshing repository: mer-cross-tools ...
Info: Refreshing repository: mer-tools ...
Info: zypp architecture is <i486>
Info: marking pattern mer-connectivity  to be installed
Info: marking pattern mer-core  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-SB2-armv7hl  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-development-tools  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-image-creation  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-packaging  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-packaging  to be installed
Info: marking pattern mer-connectivity  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-SB2-armv7hl  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-development-tools  to be installed
Info: marking pattern mer-core  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-image-creation  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-packaging  to be installed
Info: marking pattern mer-connectivity  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-SB2-armv7hl  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-development-tools  to be installed
Info: marking pattern mer-core  to be installed
Info: marking pattern Mer-image-creation  to be installed

Error <creator>: Unable to find package: vim

Any ideas how to fix that? I have vim installed on my Ubuntu but it seems
that the process cannot see it from chroot directory tree.

Also i have some questions: where can I find Sailfish OS development
repositories? I've found only releases:

Thanks in advance!

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