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On 6/22/05, Andrew Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been considering putting an intercooler on my 83 300SD and the
> recent post about the full load tweak has further fueled my desire.
> Unlike the 60x engines, my 617's air does cross-over so I need to
> return it to the passenger side.  I was contemplating two (long skinny
> bumper) intecoolers in front of eachother so the air comes from the
> turbo through the rear intercooler then passes back to the passenger
> side through the front intercooler.  The first intercooler would be
> less efficient that the second since it is getting slightly warmed air
> from the front intercooler.  The overall efficiency should be good
> since it has two passes.  Has anyone seen an inter cooler in front of
> the radiator on a 126 or is bumper the only way to go?

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