This is the wrong place for political opinions. But since you fired
first, here's my response to one of my Son's emails....
Yes, I voted for this guy and I support his decision.
Let me explain why:
In all recent wars, the occupational forces had to stay for years to
turn the country around.
After WW2, it took 10 years to turn Germany into a well behaved neighbor
country. The first 2 years were filled with insurgents, not unlike
what's going on in Iraq. They didn't car bomb but they did fight and
they did kill Americans. Communists were very active in Germany, so were
Russian spies & activists and thanks mostly to the US, neither took
control of the country.
After WW2, it also took 10 years to turn Japan into a well behaved
neighbor country. They didn't fight back like the Germans, only because
the occupation forces were smart enough to keep the Japanese Emperor
"under their thumb".
Korea is another story. The North stays North only because we are there!
And don't even ask me about Vietnam. We were winning until Congress cut
funding & gave the war away!
Also, look at the first Gulf war - we stopped short of a full invasion.
And look what happened 10 years later. You were there. What keeps
another "Sadam" from rising to power if we leave now? 
So, I ask you:
What would have happened if this country had pulled out of Germany and
Japan 2 years after the WW2 had ended?
What would have happened if this country had pulled out of Korea 2 years
after the cease fire was signed????????
I'll tell you what would have happened. We would be living in a very
different world today!
Why would we expect anything different in Iraq?
What would happen in Iraq if we left this year? Next year? The following
Our job is to put a Democratic government and a Capitalist economy in
place in Iraq. This process will take 5 years, minimum.
The real issue is that main stream media is influencing public opinion.
You and I both know that they don't report the whole story.
Tom Hargrave
-----Original Message-----
From: Hargrave LCpl Joseph B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 7:26 PM
To: Tom Hargrave (E-mail)
FORT BRAGG, N.C. - President Bush on Tuesday rejected calls for a
for withdrawal from Iraq or sending more troops and acknowledged that
Americans are questioning the war's painful costs. "Is the sacrifice
it? It is worth it," Bush told a nation increasingly doubtful about the
of the 27-month-old war. Bush spoke in an evening address from an Army
that has 9,300 troops in Iraq. 
and you voted for this guy
Tom Hargrave
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:41 PM
Subject: [MBZ] Re: Government is on a rampage 
That's an old gimmick. If you say something often enough then someone
will start to believe it. Nobody likes Bush. Yet, he gets elected.
Nobody likes his policies, yet we benefit and elect more Republicans. If
the Dems keep saying it, maybe it will become "common" knowledge, just
like him not showing up for National Guard duty, and not getting good
grades in college. Eventually the truth leaks out. 
In a message dated 6/29/2005 7:27:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
From: TimothyPilgrim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Fw: Government is on a rampage [Downsizer Dispatch]
To: Mercedes mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

The far right dislikes Bush? That's news to me.

1982 300TD Moby

On 6/29/05, David Brodbeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's interesting how both the far left *and* the far right are finding
> they have a dislike for the Bush administration in common.

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