My wife and I were travelling once and it was her birthday the next day so I
bought her a Garfield look alike stuffed cat. As we were driving along at
night I hit some animal on the road.  She was concerned but I said it was
too dark and that we wouldn't be able help it anyway so we continued on. We
got a motel room and turned in for the night.

The next morning when she was in the shower I went out to the trunk, got the
cat and proceeded to stuff  Garfield into the grill on the 230SL.  When she
came out I was looking out the window through the curtain. She asked me what
I was looking at to which I replied,
'' Holly SHIT! Come and look at this! ''

She just about lost it when she saw what appeared to be the cat we hit the
night before sticking out of the grill. Took me an hour to calm her down
while I went and buried the poor dead animal. Had to buy her a necklace for
her birthday instead......

She still has no idea.  Every now and then she says, '' What you laughing
about? ''

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