A 41mpg 240D would be a scientific marvel and should be studied. The old man's 
problem is one of inaccurate measurements. It'd be danged tough to accurate 
calculate how much fuel was going in if he was really using that much waste 

That said, I really enjoy reading Chris' adventures and am considering securing 
a source of reasonably good used motor oil that I know of. I'm a bit squeemish 
about using a large percentage of motor oil, I'm thinking to not go over 10% so 
I'd only need maybe 10 gallons a month. A friend owns a motorcycle shop... 
Motorcycle guys that go there tend to be super anal about oil changes. I'm 
thinking running their waste would be pretty safe.
Now 10 gallons a month (and I'd only do it when its warm out so say late May to 
late September) might not sound like much but thats $25 a month for 5 months 
pretty much just for the asking.


Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 21:58:54 -0400
From: "Fred De Vries" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Oil/Diesel Mixtures
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

I'd feel like I had stepped into the Twilite Zone regarding cars that 
ran on 
peanut oil, Vegetable oil, McD's waste etc. If an older fella hadn't 
by my house last week driving the same brown 240D that was sitting in 
yard.  He told me he had 330,000 miles on it.  I think it was early 
He said he owned a construction company and they used the car for a 
runner.  Anytime they changed the oil in anything from a bulldozer to a 
mower they poured the oil in the tank of his MB.  Said he gets 41 MPG 
his manual and just changes the filters a lot, hasn't had any 
problems to speak of, but the Michigan Rust Monster is eating the car 
from the outside in.

Speaking of 240D's...(Nice Segue,eh?)  Mine has the key actually stuck 
the ignition, won't turn, won't come out.  HELP?


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