LT Don, as long as you have been exposed to this list you know the first thing you do is tell us what vehicle you are talking about !!!! I am taking a shot in the dark here and suspect that you have a MC with a switch on the side, which can be reset. MB had this as a safety factor so that when either half of the MC malfunctioned an internal rod would move and trip the switch.

I ASSUME that the MC is painted black. You know what happens when you ASSUME don't you. Well I'm going to tell you again: ASSUME; you make an ASS of "U" and ME.


LT Don wrote:

Braked down from 60 mph at a stop sign this morning coming back from
an eye appointment. Car stopped as it normally would but the brake
warning light came on. This is the square light, not the wear sensor

Checked brake fluid level when I got home and it was between minimum
and maximum. Topped it off to the maximum mark.  Light still on.

Consulted the owner's manual. Says this could mean the parking brake
is on (it isn't), or it is low on fluid (was maybe a bit low but not
really low and is now on max), or there is a leak (can't see anything
dripping). Are there any other possibilities, such as maybe the brakes
need to be bled?  Brake pads all looked good last time, which was at
the most a couple of thousand miles ago.

One thing I've noticed over the past few weeks or maybe months is that
I seem to have good power assist when first stopping but sometimes
(not too often though) it will see that I have lost power assist all
of a sudden. The power assist returns to normal once I am driving
again.  Might or might not be related.

Any suggestions?

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