
> How many hours labor for an Indy to make this swap?

>It (exchange pump and set timing) can be done in less than two hours if 
>everything goes smoothly.

>Has it been established without question that the pump I bad??

          Marshall Booth (who doesn't respond to unsigned questions)
       "der Dieseling Doktor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thanks for the reply.
To Refresh: Bad Idle, too slow, unable to adjust with the
potentiometer, unplugging the ELR had no effect.

Bad news came when I tried to adjust the idle speed with the {normally
sealed} idle adjustment screw on the pump.  Turning it one rev either
direction had no effect.
You opined that the pump was "BROKEN"

I tried a seldom-used cure using liberal amounts of "Maker's Mark"
that evening.  No help.  The Minister was right, it cured nothing!

I forgotten lister suggested "Yankee Diesel" as a pump expert in my
area; he's about 70 miles away.  True to the nature of good Indy's
there was no phone answer for about 4 days.

My normally very good Indy {Honest enough to admit to not working on
Diesel Fuel systems} asked me to take it to another local fellow who
retired from M/B dealership.
New fellow is thinking it may be a sensor, he is jammed with work, I
left the car with him.
"Yankee Diesel" just returned call, back from vacation.  Nice fellow,
after hearing the long form of the story, he is very sure the pump
needs repair/o'haul at about $700.  This is in alignment with prices
quoted by my normal source who is still trying to pay off his Civil
War debt ;-)

I am unable/unwilling to do this R&R.
If the fellow who now has the car condemns the pump I will have him
swap a rebuilt/used pump.  I have been SOL looking for used pump
around here.
Any leads on a good used pump would be appreciated.


Peter T. Arnold
Windsor, Connecticut

1987 Mercedes 300SDL, 225 Kmi on Delvac1, changes when f-soot is 2%

1995 Ford F-250 W/PSD, 185 Kmi on Rotella @ 5 Kmi Changes

2002 PT Cruizer, 70 Kmi, Every 5 Kmi with what's on sale

1954 Metropolitan {My Hanger-Queen}

None use oil between changes, go figure ;-)

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