rumor has it that Marshall wrote:

> Fmiser wrote:
> > Sorry to post an off topic question. It's about a Mercedes, not guns,
> > hard-drives, gmail, or dogs. *grin*
> > 
> > This is on a W123 240D, OM616.

> > Rack is at "full throttle", shut-off vacuum is disconnected.
> > 
> > Anything else that I'm missing? Or am I just having bad luck??
> > 
> >             Philip, timing chain expert
> You DID remove the #1 delivery valve - RIGHT? Then the drip (as long as 
> you keep the IP filled with the hand pump)) or the bubble method both 
> work JUST fine.
> Marshall


 My copy of the email that describes the "bubble" method didn't mention
if the delivery valve shoud be removed or not - so I tried it both ways.
But I didn't get _any_ bubbles most of the time. One of the 5-6 times I
tried I got one, lone bubble at 10 deg ATDC (yes, _after_ TDC). Am I
supposed to operate the primer pump like with the drip method?

Easley method didn't work any better. Again I tried it with and without
the delivery valve because it wasn't mentioned in the text. It seems
that the valve should be left in. With the valve in it didn't seem to
"well up" consistantly. 35 deg BTDC to 0 deg TDC was the range I saw.
With the valve removed, it just drooled fuel.

I finally got repeatable results with the drip method. Kinda messy, and
I didn't use a stop-watch to measure the drip rate, so I could still be
off a bit.

Anyway, the engine runs, is much smoother and smokes less at idle, and
seems to have a bit more power.

In retrospect, I'm not sure it was worth two timing chains and the many,
many hours I spent on it - but of course that's all in hind-sight!!

         Philip, now with black stains under his fingernails

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