You are right Russ, I did read about the common folks helping, but those stories quit making the news when the media found this nobody is helping angle to push. Happy stories only sell when you are helping the lesser people, but if it bleeds in USA, then it leads.

On Sunday, September 4, 2005, at 12:33 PM, Russ Williams wrote:

Who Wait a minute.

Don't believe all that the National Media is putting out.

Yes there has been random snipering and Lawlessness.
But what the media isn't passing along is the hundreds of people
that risked Life and Limb rescuing folks from roof tops and attics,
I'm not talking about the Professional rescuers either these are
just everyday citizens that stayed behind and were trapped along with
everybody else. When the blow was over and water started rising they
started helping rescue less fortunate people instead getting the Hell
Out of Dodge.
The Baton Rouge Community has Open up it arms to the folks that lost
The Evil Empire (Wally World) has sent 3 truck loads of Water and Canned food to the major shelters everyday for no charge everyday since Wed. Also
donated $15M to the disaster relief fund. Before any of the Wally World
bashes start sure they are gonna write off of taxes the thing is that they
did it Because they wanted to.
I just got off the phone with a friend who I worked with at the local
Sheriff's Dept in the S&R squad. He just spent 3 days running an air boat doing S&R Operations in the Heart of the Project District NEVER ONCE did he
take any fire.

Sorry for the Rant but I just wanted to let everyone know the Real Story.

As for my family we had no damage other than a tree that decided to fall
on S-I-L's pickup truck.

Russ W.
'83 240d x2
Gonzales, La.

redghost wrote:

I noticed that lack of community cohesion as well.  While in FL last
summer for Charlie, though there was a huge contingent of tourist, the
locals did band together to assist others. NOLA folks just had no idea
how to be a society and waited like rabid animals for somebody to save
their bacon.  Not even bothering to lift a finger to aid others, just
sat like steaming piles of s**t and waited for their hand out. Is this
the effect of too much welfare given to the poverty stricken?  Have we
taught them to not do an honest days labor or to assist the rest of
society when needed?

Upon occasion I entertain thoughts of catastrophic collapse of society,
and always had put the scavengers (street people) in the equations as
survivors, since they knew how to subsist on so little. I seem to have
bypassed the response of the welfare scum, and that they would have so
little grasp on civilization that once the veneer were pierced, they
would revert to animals without the calming effect of a 40oz, cable TV
and Rock cocaine.

Just my $0.02

On Friday, September 2, 2005, at 09:47 AM, David Brodbeck wrote:

You know, the most disturbing thing about this whole disaster is the
way the
people involved reacted. Normally, when a major disaster happens, you
about people banding together to help each other through.  The
citizens of
New Orleans, however, seem to have gone straight for each others'
Looters are shooting at anyone in uniform.  The National Guard had to
abandon an attempt to evacuate a hospital when a sniper started firing
them.  It's like a war zone.  I guess New Orleans's legendary
lawlessness is
rearing its ugly head.

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