rumor has it that Curt wrote:

>  The problem
> is about an hour after coming back from that ride we were going out
> again and Hammie wouldn't start. I could he a click other than the key
> and nothing happened. 

If this is an automatic, the very first thing to do is to check neutral
safety switch.

Make sure you're not trying to start in in gear, then try both Park and
Neutral, then wiggle the shifter lever in both positions.

I would also turn on some light (interior, headlight - something you can
see from the drivers seat) and then turn the key to "start". If the
light "dims out", your battery is dead. If not, continue with the
trouble shooting process.

Also, the older starters sometimes need a good hammer thump on the
solonoid. A rubber mallet (also known as a "Dr. Booth lug wrench
enhancer") works quite well. I've also use pipes, firewood, a monkey
wrench, and a 2x6. *grin*

Changing the starter is too much work to do if it isn't really

         Philip, lazy mechanic

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