So Regina(wife) calls and says she pulled up to an ATM in town to get some cash and there is a set of keys hanging from the lock to the machine. Hmmmm. She turns the key and the damn thing opens up to access all the money in the thing. So she decides to try another machine. Apparently the same key works in all the machines from a certain unnamed local bank with many ATM's and branches in several towns around here. Also the key to all the deposit boxes was there as well. Holy crap, I could have been rich but alas, she turned the keys in to the police. Oh well, I guess that was the right thing to do, probably would have wound up in jail otherwise. I sure could have had alot of new cars though!!
Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore, OK
 89 560SEL, 87 300SDL, 87 300SDL, 85 380SE,
 85 300D,  83 300TD, 81 300TD, 81 240D, 81 240D,
 76 450SEL, 76 240D, 76 300D, 74 240D, 69 250
Okie Benz Auto parts-email for used parts

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