You're welcome. Keep in mind that old Nikon glass, although it may mount to a new digital body, may not communicate with it, negating many digital functions. I didn't care a whit for autofocus, image stabilization and camera-mounted controls either until I started shooting with them. Now I'm sold.


On Nov 15, 2008, at 8:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the confirmation! I have a lot of older Nikon glass that I
want to use - big reason to stay with Nikon.
35mm shift, 16 an 8mm fisheyes, 400mm Telyt in Nikon mount, 55 Micro
Nikkor, 135 1f1.8 cheapy that is a nice lens, bellow, etc.

On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 6:18 PM, Dan Weeks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

THat would give you much better results than you can get from any affordable scanner. I got some slides professionally scanned, was disgusted with the results, and now digitize my own as you are thinking of doing, but much less

Take a look at the Pentax K-20D, while you're at it. Very nice camera and relatively inexpensive. I do all my shooting with a K10D, and will upgrade


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