So, why wasn't Gregory Knox running for office?

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Rich Thomas
<> wrote:
> There was lots of discussion on this topic a coupla weeks ago, I got this
> from someone else, seems a point/counterpoint.
> --R
> A letter from GM and a response from an industry vendor's President.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Next week, Congress and the current Administration will determine whether to
> provide immediate support to the domestic auto industry to help it through
> one of the most difficult economic times in our nation's history. Your
> elected officials must hear from all of us now on why this support is
> critical to our continuing the progress we began prior to the global
> financial crisis......................As an employee, you have a lot at
> stake and continue to be one of our most effective and passionate voices.. I
> know GM can count on you to have your voice heard.
> Thank you for your urgent action and ongoing support.
> Troy Clarke
> President
> General Motors North America
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> From Gregory Knox,
> In response to your request to call legislators and ask for a bailout for
> the United States automakers please consider the following, and please also
> pass this onto Troy Clark, the president of General Motors North America for
> me.
> You are both infected with the same entitlement mentality that has bred like
> cancerous germs in UAW halls for the
> last countless decades, and whose plague is now sweeping the nation,
> awaiting our new "messiah" to wave his magical wand and make all our
> problems go away, while at the same time allowing our once great nation to
> keep "living the dream"...
> The dream is over!
> The dream that we can ignore the consumer for years while management
> myopically focuses on its personal rewards packages at the same time that
> our factories have been filled with the worlds most overpaid, arrogant,
> ignorant and laziest entitlement minded "laborers" without paying the price
> for these atrocities...and that still the masses will line up to buy our
> products
> Don't tell me I'm wrong. Don't accuse me of not knowing of what I speak. I
> have called on Ford, GM, Chrysler, TRW, Delphi, Kelsey Hayes,  American Axle
> and countless other automotive OEM's and Tier ones for 3 decades now
> throughout the Midwest and what I've seen over the years in these union
> shops can only be described as disgusting.
> Mr Clark, the president of General Motors, states:There is widespread
> sentiment in this country, our government and especially in the media that
> the current crisis is completely the result of bad management. It is not...
> You're  right -- it's not JUST about the electricians who
> walk around the plants like lords in
> feudal times, making people wait on them for countless hours while they drag
> they can come in on the weekend and make double and triple
> time...for a job they easily could have done within their normal 40 hour
> week
> How about the line workers who threaten newbies with all kinds of scare
> tactics...for putting out too many parts on a shift...and for being too
> productive (mustn't expose the lazy bums who have been getting overpaid for
> decades for their horrific underproduction, must we?!?) Do you really not
> know about this stuff?!?
> How about this great sentiment abridged from Mr. Clarke's sad plea: over the
> last few years ...we have closed the quality and efficiency gaps with our
> competitors.
> What the hell has Detroit been doing for the last 40 years?
> Did we really JUST wake up to the gaps in quality and efficiency between us
> and them?
> The K car vs. the Accord?
> The Pinto vs. the Civic?!?
> Do I need to go on?
> We are living through the inevitable outcome of the actions of the United
> States auto industry for decades..
> Time to pay for your sins, Detroit.
> I attended an economic summit last week where a brilliant economist, Alan
> Beaulieu surprised the crowd when he said he would not have given the banks
> a penny of "bailout money". Yes, he said, this would cause short term
> problems, but despite what people like George Bush and Troy Clark would have
> us believe, the sun would in fact rise the next day... and something else
> would happen...where there had been greedy and sloppy banks new efficient
> ones would pop up... that is how a free market system does
> work...if we would let it work...
> But for some reason we are now deciding that the rest of the world is right
> and that capitalism doesn't work -- that we need the government to step in
> and "save us" us, hell -- we're nationalizing...and unfortunately too
> many of this once fine nations citizens don't even have a clue that this is
> what's really happening...but they sure can tell you the stats on their
> favorite sports teams...yeah -- THAT'S important...
> Does it occur to ANYONE that the "competition" has been producing vehicles
> EXTREMELY  PROFITABLY, for decades now in this country?...How can that be???
> Let's see...Fuel efficient...Listening to customers...Investing in the
> proper tooling and automation for the long haul...Not being too complacent
> or arrogant to listen to Dr W Edwards Deming 4 decades ago...Ever increased
> productivity through quality, lean and six sigma plans...Treating vendors
> like strategic partners, rather than like
> "the enemy"...Efficient front and back offices...Non union
> environment...Again, I could go on and on, but I really
> wouldn't be telling anyone anything they really don't already know in their
> hearts.
> I have six children, so I am not unfamiliar with the concept of wanting
> someone to bail you out of a mess that you have gotten yourself into -- my
> children do this on a weekly, if not daily basis, as I did at their age. I
> do for them what my parents did for me (one of their greatest gifts, by the
> way) -- I make them stand on their own two feet and accept the consequences
> of their actions and work them through.
> Radical concept, huh...
> Am I there for them in the wings? Of course -- but only until such time as
> they need to be fully on their own as adults.
> I don't want to oversimplify a complex situation, but there certainly are
> unmistakable parallels here between the proper role of parenting and
> government.
> Detroit and the United States need to pay for their sins.
> Bad news people -- it's coming whether we like it or not
> The newly elected Messiah really doesn't have a magic wand big enough to
> "make it all go away" I laughed as I heard Obama "reeling it back in" almost
> immediately after the vote count was tallied..."we might not do it in a
> year...or in four..." where was that kind of talk when he was RUNNING for
> the office?
> Stop trying to put off the inevitable ...That house in Florida really isn't
> worth $750,000...People who jump across a border really don't deserve free
> health care benefits...That job driving that forklift for the big 3 really
> isn't worth $85,000 a year...We really shouldn't allow Wal-Mart to stock
> their shelves with products acquired from a country that unfairly
> manipulates their currency and has the most atrocious human rights
> infractions on the face
> of the globe...That couple whose combined income is less than $50,000 really
> shouldn't be living in that $485,000 home...Let the market correct itself
> people -- it will. Yes it will be painful, but it's gonna be painful either
> way, and the bright side of my proposal is that on the other side of it is a
> nation that appreciates what is has...and doesn't live beyond its
> means...and gets back to basics...and redevelops the work ethic that made it
> the greatest nation in the history of the world...and probably turns back to
> God.
> Sorry -- don't cut my head off, I'm just the messenger sharing with you the
> "bad news"
> Gregory J Knox
> President, Knox Machinery, Inc.
> Franklin, Ohio 45005

OK Don

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