come on fellas!!! Americans can not  do that ..... think about  some of the 
idiots who live in our country 
 I  saw a women putting on make up 
one jackass was reading the damn paper
two broncos one pushing the other 65.mph bumper to bumper  
one car that stopped ,,,,FRIGGIN STOPPED  in the middle of the hi 
the driver & pass. could exchange seats 
 one moron who's mattress blew off of his car !!! he stopped ..ran out  on to 
the road to get it ...wrong move  he war run over ...again and again 
oh yeah don't forget the simple tons who think " well this is a super  car  
the speedo says 160 mph !!! "I have got them new rain tires" .....  "its German 
 my point here is Americans  don't know how to drive cell  phones  are the 
most important thing here  not driving
  I know what you want to do here  it sounds like a utopia....  but we are 
 mike collins 
1985 500 sec 
by the way all of this was on I 95 or  I 76

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