Rich Thomas wrote:
That thing has more buttons on the panel than the space shuttle. I thought the TD's HVAC system was bad -- that thing would be a nightmare.

Actually, having spent an hour or so today diagnosing my 140's HVAC, I have to say it is a real delight compared to the Type III in my olde 300D. You just push a couple of buttons to enter diagnostic mode, and it tells you the values for every sensor, module, and whatnot in the system. All seven (or more) temperature sensor values, refrigerant pressure, blower motor voltage, and so on. Then the manual tells you where everything is, what the values should be, and how to test it, so diagnosis is just a matter of knowing how to use a multimeter.

This compared with chasing vacuum leaks all over creation. The only downside is that you can't fix a 140 with a golf tee. And later 140s have a much simpler ACC interface.

It looks like I've got a bad blower motor regulator. This seems to be a common problem; note that the eBay car has a brand new one.


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