From: andrew strasfogel <>
Jim has been super helpful over the years.  Let's take up a collection.  I
could spring for $25 if we could get 40 others to contribute commensurately.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Jim Cathey <> wrote:
Would be great for getting a better look at the bits wanting resolder
That does look intriguing, but the budget is a bit tight
at the moment!
-- Jim
There wasn't any information on the WU 'scope that I could find. I don't know how much experience Jim has had with microscopes, or if he wants to solder while looking through the 'scope, but there are scopes with higher magnification that wouldn't work too well on the top side of circuit boards. Bottom sides would probably be okay. I've tried to use clinical 'scopes (400 to 1200 diameters) looking for hairline breaks on circuit boards, but they focus so close to the objective lens that the board components get in the way as does the goose neck. I would think a dissecting scope with lower magnification and deeper goose necks might be usable since you have more room under the objective. The 'scope in the picture seems to be equipped so that two persons can look through it at the same time. Used, rebuilt, and even new microscopes; both of the clinical and dissecting type can be had for quite a bit less than $1000.

...or plug "used microscopes buy" into Google.

If you want to learn about different types of microscopes plug "types of microscopes" into Google.

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