Kickdown switch stuck closed or kickdown solenoid is stuck in activated position. Both of those match your symptoms 100% and other defects would have other symptoms. What gives it away is the car dropping into first when leaving a stop. That is activated by the kickdown mechanism or by manually downshifting the shift selector. Bowden cable should not activate 1st on the 722.3xx.

Quick test: remove the electrical connector at the kickdown solenoid. Passenger side, tail of the trans., single round connector in black plastic. If the problem stops, look to the switch, if not look to the solenoid.


Mathieu Cama

Old World Automotive
Lawrenceville, GA
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Mon-Fri

On May 15, 2009, at 9:34 AM, Jim Cathey wrote:

Also as I recall their is a one valve assembly which has different springs for first gear start. thus if the seals on this value is bad or sticking it
can cause problems.

I can say that I'm pretty sure I feel it drop into 1st from 2nd
when leaving a stop, and that with the cable loosened it definitely
wants to jump through the higher gears faster than optimal, though
you don't have to release the pedal as much (or at all, at lighter
takeoffs) to get it to shift out of first.  Forward engagement time
is a second or less, reverse somewhat longer.  Any kind of exuberant
takeoff results in bouncing off of redline, until you release the
throttle to get it into higher gears, then you can mash it again.
Usable, but irritating, and not something I really want to hand
off to my wife to drive, which was the original point.

No suggestions?  Don't really want to double the price of the
car with a replacement tranny, and besides it seems to shift well
except for its 'separation anxiety'.  Not afraid to dive into
things, if I know what to expect and have some idea of what I'm
doing.  Valve body R&R?  Easy.  Valve body surgery?  Would be
my first time!  Can't be any worse than taking apart (and
reassembling into working condition) the dial bar of an old
Friden rotary calculator, which I did as a youth.

But _what_ to be doing, that is what I lack.

-- Jim

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