Nylon Panyhose..........Go to an all girls college  [ NOT Bryn  Mawr 
College.Pa. since lesbians don't wear them] & gather up all the  discarded ones 
..Sew 'em together & VIOLA !!    Probably  ricochet baseballs  for a while .
        Did you hear about the  guy who went into a bar and noticed  a lady 
sitting at he other  end ? 
                     Guy:   " Give me a drink and give that lady down there 
one on me  ."    
                    Bartender:  " I don't think you want to ." 
                     Guy: ' Just do it."
        Bartender  delivered the drink to her and she thanked him. After 
eyeballing each other  during their drinking he says to the  bartender: 
                     Guy:  "Give us a second round please."
                     Bartender  whispering: " Don't waste your time and 
money 'cause she's  lesbian."
                     Guy:  "  Just do it. " 
          With that he  gathers his drink and ambles on down to the lady 
and says-
                     " So  what part of Lesbia  are you from ??"     
 Bob 1983 240D   183K            
**************It's raining cats and dogs -- Come to PawNation, a place 
where pets rule! (http://www.pawnation.com/?ncid=emlcntnew00000008)
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