Mike Canfield wrote:
Forgot to ammand the subject line.  Sorry for the repost.  Mike
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Canfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mercedes mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] 1984 300D For Sale

Got a few questions for Gabriel.  Gabriel.....What is it about you that
makes you SUCH AN ASS to everyone on this board?  I can understand the
occasional difference of opinion but you are CONSTANTLY just trying to piss
people off.  2nd question......With your hatefull attitude what use are
you(besides someone to laugh at) to this group?

Mike, last time I checked, every keyboard has a delete key. If yours doesn't I'm sure you can right-click on on e-mail and delete it that way. Failing that, you can drag them to the trash. If you are particularly skilled, you can route everything coming from him to your bit bucket via a simple rule in the e-mail program of your choice.

Just ignore what you don't like and it will bother you less.  I promise.

John L. Ervine
1981 240D 4-spd 268+kmi
1980 300TD 170+kmi
1980 300SD 277+kmi
1977 280S 4-spd 80+kmi

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