Well I've gone about it a different way. We don't have Kroil up here,
so I picked up some Gunk Liquid Wrench penetrating oil. Didn't help at
all, and the vise grips kept slipping off. I noticed that there's a
larger "ring" or housing that the water pump bolts to. I ended up
removing that and cleaning the grease off with a Castol motorcycle
metal cleaner. Worked wonders for the grease. Anyway, I also went out
and picked up a 1/8-1/4 screw extractor now that I can use my drill
without restriction. I'm going to try that next now that the part is

1982 300TD Moby

On 10/30/05, OK Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My 123 isn't home to look at, but could you get the drill in there if
> you pulled the radiator? It's not much work now that you've drained
> the antifreeze. THere are also right angle adapters for drills, though
> I've never used one.

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