Sounds like when my fuel filter was clogging once and I was attempting to
climb a hill (at which point 45mph was the fastest I could get it going on
the highway), and it finally got to the point on the hill that the engine
was still running, but not enough to overcome the drag from the auto tranny.
There was only enough to hold it's position on the hill...


On 11/3/05, Gabriel S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have also experienced this at high elevation (8000') in the local
> mountains here. Power is nothing until you get some boost. In the morning
> she turned over just like always, on the first crank but the combination
> of
> freezing weather and high altitude made it feel like I was literally going
> to roll backwards down the street. I really think gasoline engines are
> better suited at high elevations.

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