Not sure what your problem is! Why do you WANT smoke?

I know the lack of a reassuring smoke trail can be disconcerting, so
I'm willing to package up some of my surplus into aerosol cans for
you.  You could then release a whiff at your leisure or in times of
stress and uncertainty.  I'm here to help.

btw: My '84 OM617 hardly produces smoke under any circumstances--I
won't drive it anymore for this very reason.

Olympia, WA

OK - guess that was easy enough on an almost newbie.  It is not that I want
the smoke [though a couple of cans of it might be good, Casey, if you can
spare them], I just never had one [240D / 300SD] that didn't smoke.  Thought
perhaps something was wrong .... 

Jacksonville FL
1981 300SD  'EM'  265K / 200K engine
2001  I30  'Hers'    71K  

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