Ok here is one for all you computer pros. This seems to have happened after
a recent automatic windows or possibly Java etc. update session. Toshiba
laptop running XP home SP3. Outlook (2000) would open and close right away.
Sometimes would open and stay open after a few tries, sometimes it would
only open in safe mode. Tried all the online suggested fixes to no avail but
figured that it may be a recent upgrade of some TSR type program so I went
in and started deleting all non-essential programs. That seemed to fix the
outlook problem but now I have a registry problem. Error message is...


C000021B registry file failure

The registry cannot load the hive(file):\systemroot\system32\config\software
or its log or alternate is corrupt absent or not writable.


I looked at the online help fixes but it seems that most anything that I
would do would require me to reload all my software. I that case I would
rather just reformat and start from scratch. The thing with what has
happened that is weird is that if the computer has been off for a few
minutes and you start it then it will proceed to the fault point, display
the error message then go to a screen that reports the error and gives you
choices in trying to reboot. If you choose normal boot it will repeat this
behavior. If you pick safe mode it will boot to safe. Now here is the weird
part. At this point if you restart the computer it will boot normally,
though rather laboriously, and it tends to operate rather sluggishly from
that point on. It would seem that the correct software config file must be
there somewhere but there is something that is confusing the boot process.
Available "software" files in the root at C:\windows\config\



software 34Mb 10/3/2010


software log 1Kb 10/3/2010


software.rrr 27Mb 10/3/2010


software.sav 388Kb 11/25/2002


any ideas?


BTW I was able to do a complete backup last night with Acronis. Yes, I know,
I know I should have done one at least every month or so. Some of us have to
do things the hard way.




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