Jaguar and Snow Leopard are fairly different in the details.  At a very high 
level the basics are still the same.

I would say forget the books, just play with the computer for a while.  If you 
open up something and wonder what it is, look it up and read about it.  Macs 
are generally made to be usable without training or instruction.  Of course a 
lot of your learned intuitions from Windows may not apply.


On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 13:18 -0500, "archer75" <> wrote:
> Holding down the C did it.  the download was uneventful after that.
> I have a 688 page Dummies book on Mac OSX version 10.2 Jaguar,
> and an 885 page book on Snow Leopard.  I'd like to learn the basics
> of the Mac OS from the Dummies book since it would be a lot faster
> than the other more technical book,
> Would the Jaguar program be close enough to Snow Leopard such
> that I could learn the basics from Jaguar and then fill in the  
> differences
> using the Snow Leopard book as a reference?
> Thanks,
> Gerry
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