Christopher McCann wrote:
> 1. Rack damper bolt in too far - possible. As I  first noticed this probl=
em this summer when I had the old bolt replaced  with the new style. This s=
eems very likely.
>   =

>   2. Rack damper bolt out too far - well, this problem, (the revving idle=
) is new.
>   =

>   Another lister mentioned a "worn IP"...what would indicate a worn IP?
>   =

>   Someone also mentioned late timeing - but I think that creates smoke an=
d I never smoke.
>   =

>   Thanks
>   =

>   Chris

What color is the rack damper screw? If it's silver CHANGE it! See =


-- =

          Marshall Booth (who doesn't respond to unsigned questions)
       "der Dieseling Doktor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'87 300TD 182Kmi, '84 190D 2.2 229Kmi, '85 190D 2.0 161Kmi, '87 190D 2.5 =

turbo 237kmi
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