Perhaps the solution is to educate all those "saved" children.
Educated cultures have lower birthrates than illiterate ones, so it
would slow their growth. But wait, as they become educated and
literate, they become consumers. Soon these third world countries will
be raised out of the gutters, but will consume more and more as they
progress to first world status.

So what'll it be, starving kids or another raped continent? That's why
this energy thing has to be sorted out now. We need clean renewable
resources asap, because soon there will be much bigger population that
we helped along, who's going to want a piece of the pie.

1982 300TD Moby

On 11/23/05, Peter Frederick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> THat is pure right-wing oil company propaganda.
> The forests are being cut for lumber, farm land, and MONEY.  Most of the 
> damage is a result of the huge overpopulation of the thrids world.  We 
> "saved" all the children in the 60's and now there are nearly ten times as 
> many people, who all, of course, want to eat and have somewhere to live and 
> to have a raft of kids.
> Peter
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