Cancer treatment progress is incremental, fractions of a percent each year in survival rates/times. There is not likely ever to be "a cure" for cancer -- there are many types with many manifestations. There have been many advances but progress is slow and steady with a lot of amazing things on the horizon.

Cancer is becoming more prevalent because people are not dying of heart disease, diabetes, and other treatable diseases that killed people in the past before they developed cancers. There might be other environmental factors as well, but people are generally healthier and longer-lived than ever. There are some genetic factors, racial disparities, and other aspects related to lifestyle (hepatitis C leads to liver cancer, a very fast growing class of diseases, we know about smoking, chemical exposure, etc.).

Jobs had a transplant a year or two ago (liver?I forget) which was somewhat controversial.

Wifey is the expert in the family, she was following the Jobs situation to some extent as it fits in her area of expertise (liver/pancreas).


On 10/6/11 9:23 AM, G Mann wrote:
It is sad to lose yet another person to cancer in this high tech world. To
bad some individiual out there hasn't done to cancer what Jobs did to the PC
in terms of impact on society.

I'm old enough that I remember as a young man, cancer was so rare it was
virtually unknown and the idea of the computer was an abbacus. Then, as
technical electrics developed, cancer developed. Many of the chemicals are
related to the result it is now found. It raises the question, of the source
of Jobs disease, since so many workers in circuit board factories in the
early days also died of cancer.

Have we, like the Romans with lead water pipes, collectively poisoned

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:09 AM, Dan Penoff<>  wrote:

Have a good friend that had the same a couple of years ago and did the
Whipple thing. He was very aggressive about it and has been doing well.


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 6, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Mitch Haley<>  wrote:

 From Wiki:

In mid-2004, Jobs announced to his employees that he had been diagnosed
with a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer
is usually very poor; Jobs, however, stated that he had a rare, far less
aggressive type known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor. Jobs resisted his
doctors' recommendations for evidence-based medical intervention for nine
months, instead consuming a special alt-med diet to thwart the disease,
before eventually undergoing a pancreaticoduodenectomy (or "Whipple
procedure") in July 2004 that appeared to successfully remove the tumor.
Jobs apparently did not require nor receive chemotherapy or radiation

Gerry Archer wrote:
Five year survival rates for pancreatic cancer:
Localized (confined to primary site) 21.5%
Regional (spread to regional lymph nodes) 8.6%
Distant (cancer has metastasized) 1.8%
Unknown (unstaged) 4.2%

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