So I did the Performance Driving Day at the BMW factory today (birthday present from my wife based on a suggestion by a professor at USC who does a lot of work with BMW). Amazing and incredible FUN!!!! Yesterday my daughter and I did the factory tour and walk through the Zentrum, which is like a small display museum and gate to the factory tour. The factory is absolutely astounding, HUGE. They are making cars there as fast as they can, and have a $750M expansion going in. 10 month wait in Europe for an X3, factory is running 2x shifts 6d/wk. Anyway, the factory was clean enough to eat off just about any surface, floor or assembly line, whatever. Everything through paint seems to be mostly done by robots (including welding and assembly, except for smaller assemblies that a person throws the small stampings together then a robot welds it and sends it off). Everything is brought together on the assembly line by each vehicle (which is already bought and paid for), and parts are all laid out at each station for direct assembly onto that vehicle. So there can be X3s, X5s, X6s all running along one after the other -- bodies of various colors are pre-made and painted (they run a whole batch of the same color of various models, then put them aside-- they can change the paint colors in the paint shop in 18sec, and robots do it all), then stacked in a big building, retrieved by a robot when a specific car needs to be made. Anyway, it was pretty amazing, there really didn't seem like that many people around working, though I am sure the total staff is fairly large. Robots moving stuff all over, assembling large parts, welding, putting on doors and hatches, picking up bits and taking them here and there. The robots just go about their business, no one monitoring them that I could tell.

The Zentrum had some older cars and motorcycles and engines, and newer cars. My fave (and my daughter's) was a 2002tii in "showroom" condition, beautiful blue color. The blue Z8 was nice too, but I like the old style. I have pics, I'll try to post them somewhere.

So, the performance driving class was an absolute blast. It was pretty much raining off and on all day, fog and drizzle in between, so the track was wet. Really wet. 135i's and 335i's, both auto boxes with paddle shifters (which we did not use). I think he said they had 7spd trannies? Maybe 8, I forget. I am tall, thought it would be a tight fit, but the 135 is surprisingly roomy, at least in the front seat. It is an absolute rocket, 300bhp/300lb-ft, twin turbos (no lag), small and fast as hell. Even though the 335 is still a small car (to me anyway), it was noticeably "bigger" but still lots of grins from it. Both cars can be tossed and thrashed like a rented mule and just keep going. There were 11 people in our group, 6 and 5, 6 cars (3/3) and because I sat in the back and the 12th guy did not show up, I did NOT have to share a car, so got double the wheel time!!!! YEA!!! Rich!!! The instructors went out in a car and had radios, and we each had a radio stuck down on the door pocket so he could tell us what to do, and give us critiques. We had the cars and were on our own.

Day started in 135s with a slalom ending in an uphill turn, just to get a feel for the cars. Oh yeah! Then off to a course with some good turns, a chicane (up hill and downhill), and a slalom thrown in the straightaway. More of that later. Then we did a lane-change/evasion with full stomp stop, 30-50mph in increments, then swapped to the 335s and did that again, then a skid pad (instructor and 3 of us in a 335, oh wow). Stability control OFF, 4 laps each, holyshitwasthatwildfun. Then stability control ON, foot to the floor, and the stab control kept the speed down to where the car would NOT spin out, though I got a few good departures a coupla times but could steer right out of them, foot still planted on the floor, no brakes allowed. Was weird and amazing to basically have the car controlling itself to a great extent to keep it doing what the driver was trying to make it do.

Then off to a parking lot sort of pad about a football field size, 135s with cones set up in an oval, on a slight hill so there was up/down straights and turns. Stability controls OFF!!! 3 practice laps then we lined up mano y mano on opposite sides and rat-raced 6 hot laps in an elimination. Guess who won by at least 1 car length in each race? Das right, I da man!!! That was an absolute blast with the stab control off, totally wet pavement, and just drifting and jamming the cars around, hard braking, hard throttle. If you spun out you were eliminated, but sideways drifts and understeer tail-out, with a bit of oversteer when the back end broke loose and I tried to correct, was OK. (I have driven a lot in snow and ice in the past, this was 10x the experience). Then the last event of the day was back to the course, timed, 335s, each got 4 tries (I got 8 runs, only the first 4 counted) to make time around, then stop in a box at the end. Deductions for cones knocked down, or missing the stop box. I was actually feeling pretty good at that point and just went for it, shaved a second off my time each lap, did a couple in the 28sec range, and came in with second best time. The guy who was better had a 1sec edge, was in the class with his wife and son. He sorta had the look of a ringer though...

I did not manage to stuff the car into the mud (of which there was a lot today with all the rain) though they had an X5 tow car to get some cars out of the sludge. they did wash them right away though to keep them looking fresh and clean!

The last ride of the day was with an instructor for a "hot lap"in an M5 around the whole course. Talk about an E ticket ride, it was just completely awesome. Those cars are total beasts. Even riding I could tell it was bigger and heavier but the power and handling were incredible, and the instructors were expert in wringing them out, tail-out turns, slides, drifts, total asskicking acceleration, and spin-cycle turns, including a final 360 bat-turn at the end of the skid pad to exit the course (no stab control of course, and using the paddles). I don't know what those cars have, maybe 500hp and huge amounts of torque? And the engine roar was mighty sweet.

So, I came away with a real appreciation (probably only a partial) of what these cars can do, and I probably was only at like 75% even when I was pushing it, if that. At first I was apprehensive to actually beat on the cars, but came to realize they were capable of a lot more than what I was doing to them, and they were well withing their envelopes even with my limited efforts. On the timed course I really tried to push it, and even then I could tell the car was capable of a lot more if I had the skill to drive it properly. Awesome. I also realized that having one of these cars to just drive in daily life could really be somewhat disappointing as, except in an emergency situation (and if you can take advantage of its capabilities), you probably will never even come close to enjoying the capabilities of the car unless you can get to a track occasionally. So, in some ways while having one would be an absolute blast, it would be sorta limiting in most ways for basic transportation needs. Not to say if I won the lottery I wouldn't buy a selection of them, but I would have to get near a track I could use with some frequency to totally enjoy them. I wish I could have spent 3 or 4 days there, getting to know the track and tests better, and with more instruction on how to drive them better. They do have follow-on courses, some day..... and M days for owners....

If you can come up with the ching to do this, and get yourself to Greer, SC, you will have an absolute blast and improve your driving skills immensely. They also had a bunch of teenagers there for driving instruction, I wish I could have done that for my kids when they were that age. Might have to put some pennies in the bank to get them there soon to take part in the same class I took, it would be very good for them. There were some college kids in our group, it was sorta interesting that they were fairly tentative and did not seem to do that well. Maybe it was overall driving experience or something, or just a lack of willingness to thrash the hell out of the car. One guy and his wife shared a car, he was not very good but his wife did pretty well. She was kinda hot too, for a woman of a "certain age," and she had a great time (hubby not so much).

Anyway, that is a short report of a really fun experience. I enjoyed sharing with y'all. I think they have some vids on the web site, I'll post the piccies my daughter took.


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