I put a used MB in my brother's computer last year for this reason -- when I could get it to boot, the CPU was running very hot just looking at the bios setup.

Either a different MB (you may then need new memory) or a replacement is probably the best course.

I did swap out the DVD drive on my brother's this weekend, it was crashing Flight Simulator and refusing to read or write CDs -- got a new on with a SATA interface and it worked like new. Cured all the hangs, crashes, and assorted weird behaviors.

Might be worth unplugging the DVD just to see what happens, but I'd say it's probably the MB.


On Jan 2, 2012, at 6:21 PM, Allan Streib wrote:

That would only be the DVD drive, on this computer.

So assuming bad caps on the motherboard and a cooked or nearly cooked
CPU, there's really nothing more worth doing here, the way I see it.
Get a new board and CPU, swap the drives and RAM?

I can probably pick up a surplus 3-year-old Dell at the university for
cheap. Probably better than the compaq he has, since they buy from the
enterprise division of Dell.


Peter Frederick <psf...@earthlink.net> writes:

Probably bad capacitors on the MB, allowing the CPU power supply to
cook the processor.  A new processor will only last until it gets
cooked, too.

You can try unplugging everything but the MB and hard drive, too.

On Jan 2, 2012, at 5:57 PM, Allan Streib wrote:

Ugh. Well I picked up a new power supply today, installed it, and now
the original symptoms have returned.  All fans on, no video.

I even tried switching the power supply with my wife's computer again,
just to rule out the off chance that I got a bad one out of the box.

So it seems that the power supply was a false cause. Something else, somewhat intermittent since it did boot up OK last night, is going on.

I tried reseating the CPU and that made no difference.


Allan Streib <str...@cs.indiana.edu> writes:

Yep, good guess.  I swapped in the power supply from my wife's
(hey, it's HER dad, right?) and his computer booted up just fine.

I'll pick up a new power supply for him tomorrow.


Peter Frederick <psf...@earthlink.net> writes:

Fans are 12V, not 5V, and for whatever reason, improper voltage or
excessive ripple current on the 5V line will prevent the CPU from
working.  Can also play merry  h..l with the logic board itself,
leading to failure to initiate video, read drives, etc.

The fans will run fine at 10V or 14V, the processor will NOT run way
outside the specs.


On Jan 1, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Allan Streib wrote:

Peter Frederick <psf...@earthlink.net> writes:

Check the fan in the power supply. However, once they go sprong,
usually the 5V line in the PS is flaky and it won't boot because
processor voltage is too low.

Power supply fan is working. All the fans come on at full speed as
as it's plugged in.


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