Tires are getting so low profile, it won't be long before some company will come out with solid rubber tires 6 inches thick; just like the old Mack trucks (see url). Since they can be worn right down to the rim, solid rubber tires will last the life of the car under normal usage. Modern suspensions won't have any problem dealing with the stiffer ride and the only places inflated tires will be found will be museums. Somebody might already be manufacuring them in Australia since Aussies are usually years ahead with new developments, and Hendrik can put them on his ute if he's patient. As a kid I once rode in a 1920s-30s Mack Bulldog with solid rubber tires. Wasn't bad at all, even on cobblestone streets. Sorta loosened up ones joints.


Yeah well being frugal with the beans is something we all have in common
on this list, you may remember I did not put up that much of a fight
when you offered to pay for lunch in LaCrosse.

who needs some rubber for the ute

On 04/06/12 11:20, Dieselhead wrote:

Woger sez:
 I go into Discount Tire (a big chain out
my way) and I tell them that I want to order a set of those tires but
to pay Tire Rack prices. No problem, says the counter man as he is
going to
Tire Rack's website to check the price.

Scary!  I agree with Woger on this one.  I did this a few years ago
when I wanted a set of 4 blizzaks.  Priced em at tar rak then found a
farstone store that had 4 in stock.  Went there and asked em to do
price match.  They did, and I bought em.

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