On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 02:02:54PM -0800, Tan Qu wrote:
> Was that a big job? How long did it take you to do it?
> If lubing the calipers pin do not help, I may have to
> look to go in that way. 

Unfortunately, I dropped that subframe enough that I could get it 
dropped in under a half hour, and bolting it up took about the same.
The subframe mounts are much easier if you have the tool. I'd probably
try to inspect the subframe mounts and links before I made an order - 
the links made a bigger difference in my car. Then again, in yours, you
sounded like you were feeling the subframe shift.

If you replace the links, you're going to need an alignment. The mounts 
shouldn't require one.

The first time I did the subframe, it took me about three hours for all
four mounts, and I was taking my time. Replacing all the links and moving
the new mounts from the old subframe to the new subframe took most of the
day, but was easy with the subframe out of the vehicle.


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