From: "Fmiser" <>

> In August Phillip and Kaleb wrote:
> > Kaleb C. Striplin wrote:
> > so what do you do, download this virtualbox, then install
> > windows xp on that?  I am familiar with vmware thats what
> > the chinese SDS system uses.
> Same concept an VMWare - different in some details.
> Downloading VirtualBox give you the framework.  Inside the
> framework you setup guests.  Each one thinks it is a
> stand-alone computer - but it is an totally empty computer
> until you install a OS (Win XP, Mac, or whatever).  Then it
> boots and runs and the OS thinks it's in a metal box with
> it's own motherboard, drives, network cards, etc.
> This does mean you will need to install an OS on the guest,
> so you will need an install disk (or ISO image).

Gerry Archer wrote:
Can I download an image to a VirtualBox from a remote HD
running Acronis? Thanks,

I had to Google to find out what Acrunis is.  It seems to be
cloud storage.  So...  I think the answer is "yes" - but I don't
quite get the phrase "remote HD running Acronis".

A VirtualBox guest is effectively it's own computer.  The
memory, harddrive, network card, etc. are "borrowed" from the
host but the guest OS is typically totally unaware.  So if the
Acronis thing would work with a normal computer, then there is a
very high probability it will work with a VirtualBox guest.
If I'm understanding the question...
--  Philip
I bought a (2010?) version CD of Acronis for home/office from Ebay on the recommendation of several members and set it to periodically back up a whole image of my main computer, which runss WinXP, on a free standing external HD.
(I assume a "whole image" includes everything on the HD including the OS?)
I want to put a copy of the main computers drive alongside Windows 7 on another computer using Virtualbox. It would seem that downloading the whole image of the C drive on the external HD to Virtualbox on another computer would be no different than downloading it to an "empty" formatted hd on a new computer. I thought perhaps that someone on the list might have done that since Virtualbox and Acronis Home Office seem to be very popular. If I can later set up Acronis to run on a VIrtualbox OS and back it up to an external HD, that will be great but not absolutely necessary.
(If this doesn't make any sense, I'll try again.)

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