The hood on my 92 300SD is oxidized bad, it has been repainted at some point and oxidized when the rest of the car has not. I have been meaning to buff it out for a long time but have never got around to it. Today I washed the car and messed with buffing it. I just used what I had on hand and it did not work all that well. I had some turtle wax polishing compound in a quirt bottle and my 9" random orbital buffer. I buffed on it quite a while and ended up really scrubbing on it by hand in one corner and could tell it was starting to shine up but was going to take many hours and lots of manual scrubbing to get it off. So I gave up till I could get some proper equipment, probably a Harbor Freight regular buffer and something other that Turtle wax. Poos you use a buffer? I do NOT want to do it by hand, I am way too lazy and hate detailing cars. You use 3m products, right? What do you recommend to cut down really bad oxidation, followed with a nice wax that will last a long time.


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