From: "Randy Bennell" <>
Do you mean 1" and 2" of rain?
.1 and .2 does not sound like it would make things very soggy.
And, yes, we are not anxious to have snow either. It has been all around us I think but not here yet. Had a good Sunday doing yard work. Ran the mower around without the bagger and mulched a bunch of the leaves. Got the leaf blower out and sucked up a bunch of the leaves that were in the areas under shrubs etc that could not be mowed. Drained the rain barrel which had about a 2 inch thick plug of ice on the top. Etc. Was tired at the end of the day. Still have things I want to do outside so hope that the weather holds for a bit more. Want to change the oil and grease the snow blower etc. Most winters it is used very little but I like to keep it in good shape and ready to go in case we get a blizzard that buries us. Most of the time I just shovel the walks and we don't have a big driveway - garage opens onto the back lane so not a whole lot to clear most of the time. Would also like to fire up the generator and make sure it runs etc. Always things to do and some get put off to the next year if it snows too soon.

On 05/11/2013 8:59 AM, Craig wrote:
I'm also in the process of applying to Gordon College for their physics
professor opening, but wouldn't have posted about that except for your
forlorn missive, Wilton.
I wish you success with your work on the rental house.
Gordon College sounds like a good fit for you, Craig. I admire your persistence.

"Gordon College is a liberal arts college located on the former Princemere estate in Wenham, Massachusetts, United States, northeast of Beverly. Founded by Baptist minister A. J. Gordon as a missionary training institute, Address: 255 Grapevine Road, Wenham, Massachusetts, United States of America, 01984
Undergraduates: 1,514 (2010)
Ranking: #144 National Liberal Arts College (2012)
Acceptance rate: 40% (2010)
Tuition: $30,626 USD (2011)
Date founded: 1889"



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