this is the reason why the jews rule the world, btw.  back in the days
before abortion on demand, jews used to buy a lot of gentile babies.
growing up as kids, we all gravitated towards one another by nature
(although at the time we didn't know what we were).  we are all absolutely
sharp as a tack intellectually, way outside the typical population.  those
of us who have gone and found are biological kin are absolutely shocked at
how mentally ordinary they are.

growing up a jewish boy in a talmudically infused environment is like the
mental equivalent of growing up at gold's gym would be for physical
culture.  you are pounded from birth by every kind of puzzle and query.  if
you show any aptitude at all, the pounding increases . the system builds
the ultimate mental giants in eristic.

through me, my daughter shares in that tradition.  it does not really
matter how shambolic the ghetto government school is as she is not
dependent on them to be sharp.  she is just there for entertainment,
because the law requires it and because the system demands it . any person
who is waiting on the public schools to educate children is surely doomed

and now you've learned a lot of stuff you won't learn on the TV

On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 8:27 AM, Dan Penoff <> wrote:

> No truer words have been spoken.  Education starts at home.
> While both of my sons are products of the public school system, I
> attribute much of their success to my and their mother's direct involvement
> in their education.
> Case in point:
> My youngest son, who is currently in his junior year of college, just
> finished a course in World Literature that was a 4000 level (senior) class.
>  His professor held his work up as an example for the mostly senior World
> Lit majors in the class as an example of what they should be doing.  Didn't
> make him very popular amongst his peers, but he was equally surprised, as
> he didn't think there was anything spectacular about his work.
> I firmly believe this comes back to our insistence that he and his brother
> always work beyond their potential, and when they questioned us about this,
> got the response, "Because we have higher standards."
> Children will rise to your expectations if you insist on it, and provide
> the support and encouragement to do so.
> Dan
> On Dec 21, 2013, at 1:15 AM, OK Don wrote:
> > It is the parents responsibility to insure that their kids get a good
> > education, not the schools. We filled in the gaps when needed, and
> > de-bunked that crap that was fed our kids. They attended the worst
> schools
> > in town until HS, and then the school was only 'OK' - great by Oklahoma
> > standards, mediocre otherwise. Our kids are not brilliant (they came us
> > after all), but the older three all got scholarships to Ivy league
> schools,
> > and the last one is finishing his masters in mechanical engineering at
> MTU.
> > Not bad for attending bad public schools --- don't lay the blame for the
> > education of our kids on the schools.
> >
> >
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