I got the 30% up to $50 which turned out to be $47.09, and I can pick up at store about now (which I am not going to do today, got an erster roast to go to shortly) or tomorrow. Weather warm again, so I can get to this tomorrow most likely.

Sub just turned 200kmi so it is time for its second 100k service. I'll probably order more stuff and use the coupon again if they let me, or maybe the lower discount with free shipping as the other stuff I don't need right away. The RR caliper is grawnching, looks like pads are shot. I can't remember if I changed them at 100k or not. Fronts still look good with 100k on them but I ordered new pads too for the front.


On 2/2/14 1:27 PM, Dieselhead wrote:
I need to buy some new rotors and brake pads and some other stuff for my 2000 Suburban, I have seen allusions to massive discount coupons at various auto parts stores. Could someone point me to the proper place to receive these massive discounts pls?

for NAPA, Oreilly, Advance, or one other one we have around here I forget which.



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Code for online checkout is TRT41

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