Curt wins the prize!  Actually, I didn't question what I was seeing at
first, even though the aliasing in the clouds and sky should have been a
dead giveaway (that the original image was not analog).  On further thought,
this unicycle mode is clearly impossible; the wing is at a negative angle of
attack so what's holding the aircraft up?  Not the brakes (no brakes on nose
wheel).  Not the tail (nowhere near enough lift). Apparently, somebody
screwed with the simulator coefficients to make this video (or negative AOA
wasn't modelled correctly).

Back in the late 70s a General Dynamics pilot explained a "trick" to a USAF
pilot who was about to do an air show.  The trick was to hold a LITTLE
forward stick force during takeoff roll and release it just as you pass
"unstick" speed.  Then the jet (F-16) really jumps off the runway (it's very
dramatic).  Back then the F-16 had a non-moving force-sensing side-stick so
it was very hard to know how much force is "just a little" and the USAF
pilot used too much and broke the nose gear.  Still, the main gear never
left the runway until takeoff (as far as I could see) even though the F-16
has a large, all-moving horizontal tail that can generate a great deal of
lift.  After burning off (and maybe dumping) fuel, the pilot executed an
emergency lakebed landing; the nose gear collapsed completely and the
aircraft came to rest on the front radome.  The F-16 canopy is one piece (no
separate windscreen) and the radome broke off and slid up over the front lip
of the canopy, thus trapping the pilot in the cockpit.  The mad dash of
emergency vehicles looked pretty hazardous to me.  One of the first  guys
arriving on the scene (another pilot and a big guy at that) saw what was
happening and pulled the radome lose by pulling sideways on the pitot tube
on the nose of the radome.   He received serious burns to his hands because
the pitot heat still on, but he did manage to free the trapped pilot, which
was good because liquid (fuel or possibly hydrazine) was already leaking
from the aircraft.  From then on, it was takeoff trim only (no forward stick
force) at that base.

> From:  Curt Raymond via Mercedes
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 8:16 PM
> I can't tell if you guys can tell its a simulator. Somebody recorded the
> from a monitor...
> -Curt


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