On 23/02/2015 12:00 PM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes wrote:
I once got ....

I wish ours was busier, but I'm not sure why it's not. Far more "wanteds" than 
"offers" could be why....


One of the problems is that people who are getting something for nothing often prove to be a pain. They say they will come for whatever at an agreed time but then do not show up. Meanwhile, others have asked for the item and the generous soul who is trying to recycle the item ends up spending more time and effort than planned just in order to give something away. The other alternative is the sort that says first come gets it and that is a problem for anyone who wants the item as they have to be willing to go immediately and to accept being beaten to the punch by someone who lived closer etc. I tried to give away some old computer stuff a couple of weeks back. Several people responded and some promised to come but none ever did. I tossed the printer and the scanner is still sitting here and I will likely toss it too. It works but has no value in my mind so there is no likelihood of selling it and I don't seem able to give it away.



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