On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 22:44:16 -0600 Loren Faeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Craig, how many miles have you driven this combo?

About 40 - 45 kmi. It's actually something the factory produced, a

>  Do you drive aggressively, or do you drive in a manner that conserves
>  the clutch?

I drive it like I stole it, to quote the good doctor. I do double-clutch
on downshifts (something I couldn't do in our '72 220D/8 because of too
slow engine response.

> I put 100K on my 200D and then looked at the clutch, and there was very
> little sign of wear.  But I don't burn clutches.

Our '72 220D/8 had little wear on the clutch at 180 kmi, too.

> I have a 617 transplant that is waiting for time to do it.  I plan to
> use the 4 spd from the 616 and the flywheel from the 240D.  Did you do
> the conversion?

Yes, I did the conversion after the automatic transmission in our 240D
died most severly while I was a graduate student in Austin, Texas.


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