OK, that's just WEIRD. Apparently my copy of the CD-ROM must be
partially corrupt, if everyone else can see the full PDF on their
copies. I don't get that at all.

For those wondering, the WIS covers all models from the mid-80's up -
124, 126, 201 and newer, but NOT the 123, 116, etc. It has more
information than the CD's (for example in includes the transmission
service info), but is less user-friendly. Details, and screen shots,
are here:


If you want a copy, they show up on eBay, or drop me a private email.

On a side note, the sunroof repair is plodding along slowly... I got
it torn apart without major problems, and I'm cleaning things up right
now. Should attempt re-assembly this afternoon. I'm taking lots of
photos, stay tuned for a report eventually.



> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 13:20:06 -0600
> From: Hans Neureiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] CD-ROM service manual missing information!
> The CD for the 124 - E300D shows exactly what your pdf has.
> MB did weird things on these CD's, mostly sloppy work.
> Don't mind me asking: what is WIS?
> On 1/25/06, Dave M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have printed service manuals, the CD-ROM, and also the WIS. I was
> > looking up and printing out information for my W124 sunroof repair.
> > I've found that sometimes the CD & WIS have newer info than the older
> > printed manuals, which is why I was checking. Anyway, I discovered
> > something very disappointing. The CD-ROM is missing information in
> > some jobs. Two examples - one minor, one MAJOR:
> >
> > Job 77-050, removal of sunroof lining panel. In the printed manual,
> > and WIS, there are 10 steps and 3 photos. In the CD-ROM, the last step
> > - and photo - are left out. It's not a big deal in this case, but it
> > made me look closer at all the others.
> >
> > Job 77-100, removal of sunroof lid/cover. In the printed manual and
> > WIS, there are 10 steps and 5 photos. In the CD-ROM, there are 3 steps
> > and 1 photo! Almost the whole procedure is missing!! If you only had
> > the CD-ROM, you'd be totally screwed for this job. I'm shocked - this
> > is unacceptable.
> >
> > I uploaded a PDF from the WIS for 77-100 here, if you want to compare
> > your CD-ROM PDF file with what's on the WIS. I can't imagine that my
> > CD-ROM is somehow messed up, but if y'all have the full 10-step monty,
> > it must just be me. Basically the CD only shows page 1, while the
> > paper manual and WIS have pages 1+2. Anyway:
> >
> > http://www.124performance.com/misc/77-100.pdf
> > (100kb PDF file)
> >
> > :-(
> >
> > --
> > Dave M.
> > Boise, ID

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