It comes down to two things:

1.) Setting limits. It's always easy to think, "Just another couple hundred 
dollars and I can have this!"  That approach often ends up poorly.  While I 
certainly understand that reaching beyond expectations for a one-time deal or 
something that far exceeds what I was really looking for is a possibility, I 
try to stick to my guns when I set a price limit.  Doing otherwise is a 
decision you're going to deal with every time you see the car and get behind 
the wheel.  I don't care for that kind of angst, thank you.

2.) The willingness to walk away.  Just as we spoke about this recently with 
someone's car purchase (Rich?) the willingness to walk away is a strong 
incentive for the motivated seller. Will the "Goodfellows" guy come back and 
meet my price? Maybe. Knowing we were within $300 dollars has got to be a 
motivation for him, especially if he's serious about selling. If so, he'll call 
me back. If not, I know where I stand and am comfortable in my decision as to 
the value of the car (to me.). If I decide to relent later I now know his 
price, if he's willing to sell at that point.

There's a really good book on negotiating that I read some years back. I was 
also sent to the course the author still teaches, I believe.  It's called, 
"Negotiate to Close" by Alex Karras.  Lots of really good information that can 
be applied to many different situations.


Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 3, 2015, at 10:48 AM, Andrew Strasfogel <> wrote:
> Reminds me of the old adage espoused by cool college dudes when dating
> coeds:  "Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen."
>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 5:39 AM, Dan Penoff <> wrote:
>> Beats me.
>> He called and left me a voice mail yesterday afternoon. I started
>> listening to it and only heard "fair" and "$5800". At that point I shut off
>> the phone, as there was nothing else for me to hear as far as I'm concerned.
>> I'm sort of "meh" about this car, mainly due to the model year (1996) and
>> it being at the very top end of my budget.  He's had it for sale for at
>> least a month if not more, and I'm the only person who has shown an
>> interest according to him. That should be a tell right there about the
>> asking price, and I'm pretty sure he knows it.
>> I'm taking Curly's approach and not being in a hurry. I'll find the right
>> car eventually.  If I end up with the S320 from the diplomatic guy in
>> Sarasota I'll be happy.  He gets back on the 9th, which is this coming
>> Thursday.  If not, there will be others, I'm sure.
>> Dan
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Apr 2, 2015, at 10:19 PM, Mitch Haley <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dan Penoff wrote:
>>>> "the recent repair bill from in Spring Hill
>> Fla. (352) 597-2660 will be included for your records..............Tom"
>>>> I'm assuming that's a "Yes"?
>>> It's not a definitive statement, but it sounds like a continued argument
>> for applying the bill to the price of the car...
>>> Mitch.
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