"Are you having fun yet?"
Tim C, I am loving it, how bout you? Beats hanging out at pool halls../Tom
----- Original Message -----
To: "'Mercedes Discussion List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Bike rider, loud pipes
Are you having fun yet?
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Scordato
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:03 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Bike rider, loud pipes
"car's noises as well as everything else. I'm sure many are
busy listening to their stereo (or cell phone conversation),
but I'd say the split of visual vs. auditory for me is more
like 60-40"
Tim C/ (this is not just bikes)
I presume blind people cannot get their driving license in
most states. I
presume Deaf people can, so that kind of proves sight is the
key ingredient
when it comes to driving.
People should not have to suffer because you selfishly think
it is safer. If
it was confined to the road only and if we had some giant
sound barrier up
on every road maybe you have a point. How do you explain the
other load non
bike vehicles what is their reason? We could all do just
10mph and that
would be safer too. I still claim the safety thing is bull.
You do it
because you like the noise.
We all got along just fine when people respected others
rights to low noise
levels. When I (and thousands of others) am sitting in my
back yard can
hear a vehicle be it jack brakes, a pick up, car or bike A
is a problem. Or when I am trying to talk to my kid in the
yard and some
brain surgeon goes by stops at the stop light and revs it up
(I guess his
engine is such a hog that it wills stall if he does not why
else rev it
up?!) and I can not hear her only the windows rattle... that
is a problem It
is being totally inconsiderate. We all take chances when we
drive. We
should not make others suffer though who are not even on the
road. They put
mufflers on for a reason. That does not mean we pick and
choice who uses
them. I thank the good Lord I live up north this limits allot
of this noise
to just the summer months Nuff said I guess I may be in the
minority on this
but that does not make it right or acceptable. "in the
insane world the
sane man must appear insane.."./ / Tom
----- Original Message -----
To: "'Mercedes Discussion List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Bike rider, loud pipes
> Try a little experiment. Next time a fly is buzzing around
- note how
> you can see it against the walls but you lose it when it
goes across
> dark carpet or the like. It's a question of relativity - and bikes
> (as I mentioned) are
> losing the advantage of their headlight (which ain't that
much really) to
> daytime running lights. So, if everyone was loud, the loud
pipe advantage
> would go away, too.
> You also assert that the majority of sensory input when driving is
> sight, not sound. "Hogwash" to you then. I am listening
constantly -
> to my own car's noises as well as everything else. I'm
sure many are
> busy listening to their stereo (or cell phone
conversation), but I'd
> say the split of visual vs. auditory for me is more like
60-40. And
> for those that aren't listening around me, I'm glad that German
> carmakers tend to be serious about their horns.
> It's good that you see bikes - I do too. But that doesn't change my
> stance
> that someone on a bike needs every advantage they can get -
no matter how
> small of an extra margin it provides - and I think, with
ample evidence to
> back it up, that loud pipes (as others have mentioned, they
don't have to
> be
> totally unmuffled Harley straight pipes, which are overkill and do
> irritate
> even me) are more than just a small margin.
> For pete's sake, maybe you should "listen" to the actual
riders that
> have already chimed in on this topic.
> T
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Scordato
>> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:22 AM
>> To: Mercedes Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Bike rider, loud pipes
>> T may have said "They let the idiot know you're there, when they
>> might well miss you."
>> So again my question if this theory holds true, why not have every
>> vehicle loud, i.e. cars, trucks ships, airplanes ect.in every city
>> every town. The
>> whole place the whole country can sound like a pit at a
>> nascar race or the
>> space shuttle going off. Then we would all know where we
>> are. An it would
>> be safer right?
>> Hog wash, I would guess 98% plus of what we sense when we drive is
>> from sight not sound.
>> I do 45,000 to 55,000 miles a year in a car and I never
fail to see a
>> bike coming, especially with head lights on.
>> The noise is for the "look at me ego" thing. You loud vehicle
>> drivers (not just Harleys mind you) will usually never admit that
>> though. /Tom
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