On Sun, 03 May 2015 13:05:13 -0400 Max Dillon via Mercedes
<mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:

> This a.m. I received about 22 emails, some of them over a week old, I
> guess we're back to normal operations?

I was getting time outs, too.

So if the list gets this, and since it has gotten Wilton's, I guess we
could say things are back to normal.

I agree with you, Curt, a week is way too long for a server migration.


Present: '82 240D/3.0    Bluebell   270 kmi (still with failed
                                             paint on the hood)

Past:    '72 220D/8     Herman     186 kmi
         '64 190Dc      Emma
         '72 220/8
         '86 190E/2.3
         '94 E420       Oskar      127 kmi (given to Kaleb)
         '95 E320       Sebastian  117 kmi RIP


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